Ürün Yelpazemiz

We represent, distribute or partner with major manufacturers in different product areas. We can provide full technical, commercial and logistical support for these manufacturers. You can view our products for chemicals, equipment and consumables for the needs of aerospace and various industries.

Silicone Sealants

AS 1603
1.20 ₺ 1.2 TRY 1.20 ₺
AS 1604
1.20 ₺ 1.2 TRY 1.20 ₺
AS 1740
1.20 ₺ 1.2 TRY 1.20 ₺
AS 1745 G
1.20 ₺ 1.2 TRY 1.20 ₺
AS 1745 T
0.0 TRY 0.00 ₺
Dowsil RTV 832
1.20 ₺ 1.2 TRY 1.20 ₺
Dowsil TC-6020 (A+B Kit)
1.20 ₺ 1.2 TRY 1.20 ₺
EGEL3000 A/B
1.20 ₺ 1.2 TRY 1.20 ₺
EGEL3005 A/B
1.20 ₺ 1.2 TRY 1.20 ₺
Elastosil E41
1.20 ₺ 1.2 TRY 1.20 ₺
Elastosil E43
0.0 TRY 0.00 ₺
Elastosil E43 N Transparent
1.20 ₺ 1.2 TRY 1.20 ₺
Elastosil RT 601 A/B
1.20 ₺ 1.2 TRY 1.20 ₺
Elastosil RTV N199
1.20 ₺ 1.2 TRY 1.20 ₺
Floorsil 2
0.0 TRY 0.00 ₺
Loctite SI 5366
1.20 ₺ 1.2 TRY 1.20 ₺
Loctite SI 56
0.0 TRY 0.00 ₺
Loctite SI 5910
1.20 ₺ 1.2 TRY 1.20 ₺
Loctite SI 598
92.50 ₺ 92.5 TRY 92.50 ₺
0.0 TRY 0.00 ₺